I.S. 318 Math Department Mission:
The I.S. 318 math department is designed to develop students’ mathematical skills, grasp of mathematical concepts, analytical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. The math department utilizes the BIG Ideas Math balanced approach textbooks and journals. We value student engagement and adapting the program to the needs of each student. The instruction is also sensitive to the unique needs of the students.
Through our mathematics instruction, our students will develop strength in mathematics and cultivate skills in both reasoning and problem solving. We believe that in fostering students’ ability to logically, rationally, and analytically solve complex math problems, we will see our students succeed not only in their math classes but also in other academic areas and in life in general. Teachers deliver the UPS (Understand, Plan , and Solve) philosophy to solve problems. Teachers will incorporate the Common Core Learning Standards and shifts in mathematics instruction.
Teachers are proficient in engaging students in the mathematical practices:
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
- Model with mathematics
- Use appropriate tools strategically
- Attend to precision
- Look for and make use of structure
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
We are committed to developing students who will independently:
- possess fluency in basic computational skills
- possess a dual understanding of mathematical concepts and procedural algorithms
- develop logical and critical-thinking skills to solve problems, including those where no obvious path is apparent
- communicate clearly and accurately about quantities, relationships, and unknown values through the use of signs, symbols, models, graphs, and mathematical terms
- recognize patterns and make connections among mathematical ideas
- transition from concrete to abstract thinking in an age-appropriate manner
- apply and recognize mathematical knowledge in real-world situations beyond the classroom
Because we are committed to academic excellence, progressive education, and ethical learning, our instructional methods include:
- direct instruction by teachers
- small and large group work
- student-centered and student-driven projects, which, when appropriate, connect with student interests
and social issues, and real-life situations - student-centered classroom discussions
- integration of technology as a teaching and learning tool
- puzzles, games, and contests
- placement of students into leveled classes so they may approach topics at the pace and depth at which they are most likely to master concepts successfully
- differentiated instruction whenever possible and individualized pacing in alignment with our progressive mission; specific examples include one-on-one extra help sessions, many varieties of assessments of student performance, extra credit work, and challenge extensions
- the opportunity to reflect on and learn from mistakes and misunderstandings