The I.S.318 Cheerleading Squad is back! We will be starting up cheerleading afterschool again for all in person students that are interested! There will be no try outs this year, everyone is welcome to join! The cheerleading afterschool program this year will focus on the basics of cheerleading. We will be keeping safety in mind and be spread out during practice! We will be learning fun cheer dances, cheers, personal tumbling, and jumps! Practices will take place Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:00pm- 4:00pm. If you are interested in joining, please email Ms. Sheehan at Please let her know your name, class and if you are in cohort A or B. Our first practice will be this Wednesday 4/21 for A students and Thursday 4/22 for B students. You will need this signed permission slip to attend!
See Jupiter for permission forms.